2:21:25Episode 1
Ryse Returns 6-19-21
Episode 1
Duration: 2 hours 21 minutes
Availability: Worldwide
Drake Braddock vs Tyler KleinCommander Sterling Addresses RysePretty Boy Smooth vs Jordan Styles & The Great Alexander Grindhouse vs WarhossSterling Open ChallengeJoey Sunseri vs Dalton ThrottleColby Redd vs Matt ConardTroy Lords vs Tyler Vo...
RYSE - September 11, 2021 (Taiga Style)
Episode 2
Tyler Klein vs Captain Nick Ando
Colby Redd vs Timothy Savage
Colby Redd vs Noir
Shirley Doe vs Chase Winters
Grindhouse (Shirley Doe & Troy Lords) vs Frostbie (Chase Winters & Tyler Voxx)
Joey Sunseri vs Lee Moriarty
Colin Delaney v Ziggy Haim
Great Success (Jordan Styles & The Great Alexan... -
2:02:53Episode 3
Ryse - October 9, 2021
Episode 3
MV Young vs Killan McMurphy
The Great Success ( Joey Sunseri, Jordan Styles & The Great Alexander) vs Brandon K, Dalton Throttle & Drake Braddock
Colby Redd vs Noir vs Pretty Boy Smooth
Troy Lords & Scarlett vs Keith Haught & Remy LaVey
Ziggy Haim vs Erica Leigh
Matt Conard vs Edric Everhart
R... -
2:21:59Episode 4
Ryse Wrestling: 5th Anniversary
Episode 4
Tag Team Title Match: Keith Haught & Tyler Voxx v Troy Lords & Shirley Doe
Challenge of a Champion Qualifying Match: Colby Redd v PB Smooth
Tyler Klein v Chase Oliver
Winner Wins Control of Ryse: Brandon K v Commander Sterling
Military Intelligence (Drake Braddock & Lewis the Nerd) v The Great Su...