1. IWC Tag Team Championship: The Mane Event (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones Jr) vs The Culmination (Remy Lavey & Atticus Cogar)
2. Andrew Palace vs Retro AG Anthony Greene
3. High Stakes Scramble: RC Dupree vs Chest Flexor vs Philip Archer vs Jason Tyler v Jami Jameson vs Stevie Lebell
4. Glacier and Johnny Patch vs Chris LeRusso and The Man Dime
5. IWC Super Indy ChampionshipJohn McChesney vs Dylan Bostic
6. Jimmy Vegas vs The Professor Ryan Dye.
7. Gory vs Jock Samson
8. IWC Women's Championship: Madison Rayne vs Katie Arquette
9. IWC Heavyweight Championship: Wardlow vs Bulk Nasty
Up Next in 2019
IWC Eighteen
1. IWC Tag Team championship: The Mane Event (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones Jr) vs The Culmination (Atticus Cogar & Remy Levay) vs Sadie Gang (Colby Redd & Darin Dinero) vs Team Storm (Jaxon Argos & RC Dupree)
2. Johnny Patch vs Jami Jameson.
3. Dylan Bostic vs Andrew Palace
5. Britt Baker vs Chris... -
IWC Night of Superstars 8
1. Sting arrives!
2. IWC Super Indy Championship: John McChesney vs Wardlow
3. 6 Man Remix Riot Championship: Kevin Bennett vs Aaron Draven vs Atticus Cogar vs Jami Jamison vs Jason Gory vs Johnny Patch
4. Bulk Nasty vs The Hurricane Shane Helms
5. Jock Samson & Chris LeRusso vs Hardcore Ho... -
IWC Reloaded 5.0
1. Johnny Patch vs Elijah Dean
2. IWC Super Indy Title Match: Jonathan Gresham vs John McChesney
3. IWC Women's Title Match: Katie Arquette vs Dani Grey
4. 16-Bit Challenge Match*
5. IWC Tag Team Title Match: The Mane Event (Duke Davis & Ganon Jones Jr.) vs Andrew Palace & DJ Z
6. IWC High S...